Wirklich tolles Produkt, und einfach zu bedienen. Funktioniert perfekt und ist fantastisch nach einem langen Tag bei der Arbeit oder nach einem Lauf ☺️
Recovery Boots 8 kammern akku gen2

- Gut für Tiefenmassage
- Mobiles Gerät
- Große Flexibilität (8 Kammern können ein- und ausgeschaltet werden)
- Geeignet für Supersportler und Athleten
- Gut für Drainage
- 8 Kammern
- 6 Programme

Optima Sport Pro K6 Recovery Boots Gen2 with Battery
Experience complete freedom with the Gen2 Ultima K6 Recovery Boots, taking your recovery to the next level with a portable solution. Whether you're on the move or in the locker room, these boots free you from the need for a power source. Simply slip them on and start – anywhere, anytime.
While highly functional, they're designed to be lightweight and compact. Weighing just over 1 kg and measuring 27 cm in height and 11 cm in width, they're as portable as a carton of milk.
Based on feedback from our loyal customers, we've implemented several improvements in this generation, including:
- Enhanced pressure function for even deeper muscle treatment.
- A larger carrying case for convenient storage and transport.
- Faster air release powered by our advanced Air Release technology.
- Zone Hold technology, providing precise control over pressure duration after each inflation.
The latest K6 model with battery comes complete with our user-friendly app, allowing you to control your session from your smartphone. You can even use it while charging.

Effective Recovery with Recovery Boots Gen 2
In today's fast-paced world where time is precious, Recovery Boots K6 Gen2 is your gateway to optimal recovery. Say goodbye to foam rolling and let these boots do the work for you. Operating at whisper-quiet levels - no louder than a running oven - you can focus on tasks or enjoy a movie without distraction.
If you're looking to achieve:
- Faster recovery and enhanced training results
- More effective training with reduced recovery time
- Relief for your legs after intense workouts
- Prevention and shorter injury periods
...then Recovery Boots Gen 2 is the perfect tool for you.
Als Triathlet hatte ich immer Muskelkater am Tag nach langen Trainingseinheiten, aber das ist jetzt vorbei. Ich benutze sie fast täglich und habe jetzt auch nach meinem ersten halben Ironman frische Beine - empfehlenswert für alle, die jeden Tag gute/frische Beine haben wollen, einfach in der Anwendung und toller Service, wenn Fragen auftauchen - weiter zu empfehlen.
Schnelle und präzise Lieferung, Service nach dem Kauf in wirklich gutem Stil. Mein Sohn kämpft mit schweren Beinen, und diese haben wirklich geholfen. Ich selbst benutze sie nach dem Radtraining zur Erholung und bei Muskelkater. Weltklasse.

Warum Optima Sport wählen?
Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 2017 sind Recovery Boots das Kernprodukt von Optima Sport. Diese Hingabe hat uns tiefgreifendes Fachwissen vermittelt, das es uns ermöglicht, Ihnen präzise Beratung zu bieten, um das für Ihre Bedürfnisse am besten geeignete Produkt zu finden. Wir nutzen unsere Erkenntnisse auch, um unsere Recovery Boots kontinuierlich zu verbessern und zu optimieren.
Zufriedene Kunden im ganzen Land. Wir hatten das Vergnügen, Recovery Boots an über 7.000 zufriedene Kunden zu liefern, was sich in unserer TrustPilot-Bewertung von 4,7 widerspiegelt. Unsere Produkte werden von Fitness-Enthusiasten bis hin zu Profisportlern genutzt – darunter mehrere Spitzensportler, die unsere Boots bevorzugen.
Kaufen Sie mit Vertrauen. Um Ihnen absolute Sicherheit zu geben, bieten wir eine 14-tägige risikofreie Testphase an, in der Sie unsere Recovery Boots in der Bequemlichkeit Ihres Zuhauses testen können. Wenn Sie ein vergleichbares Produkt woanders günstiger finden, passen wir den Preis an – unsere Preisgarantie stellt sicher, dass Sie immer das beste Angebot erhalten.
Diese Athleten nutzen Optima Sport
Viele Athleten nutzen unsere Recovery Pants, die die Regeneration beschleunigen und verbessern sollen.
Optiflow Technology for Maximum Recovery
Our Recovery Boots feature 6 chambers that ensure deep muscle treatment. With Optiflow technology, the chambers work in perfect harmony to eliminate untreated areas, providing uniform and complete treatment without "dead zones". You can customize the treatment to avoid injured or sensitive areas as needed.
The 6 chambers are designed to cover all essential areas: one chamber for the feet, two for the calves, and three for the thighs. This ensures total and thorough recovery.
Our Air Release technology also makes it easy to deflate the boots after use, perfect for people who are frequently on the move. Setup is straightforward, with clear markings and a clicking sound indicating proper connection.

Digital Control for Customized Recovery
At the heart of the system is a digital control unit that gives you precise control of your Recovery Boots. With this unit, you can easily select programs, adjust time, intensity, and determine how long pressure should be maintained. You can even deactivate specific chambers to target your treatment.
During treatment, the unit displays the remaining time of the selected program.
Choose Your Recovery Program
With 6 different programs to choose from, you can tailor your recovery to your needs. Program 2 is ideal during training, while other programs can be selected based on your available time and focus areas.
Program 1: Single Chamber Massage
Program 2: Lymphatic Drainage
Program 3: Pulsating Massage
Program 4: Simultaneous Pressure in All Chambers
Program 5: Intense Lymphatic Drainage
Program 6: Intense Pulsating Massage

App Control and Management
With our free app, you can easily manage your K6 Pro Recovery Boots Gen2 directly from your smartphone. The app gives you complete control over all functions:
- Select different treatment programs.
- Adjust intensity levels.
- Set your treatment duration.
- Activate or deactivate any of the 6 chambers.
- Use the Zone Hold feature.
- Quick access to user guides and other useful features.
Zone Boost - Chamber Customization
With Zone Boost, you can activate or deactivate any of the 6 chambers and target treatment where you need it most. If there are areas you want to avoid, simply deactivate them. For particularly sore areas, you can increase attention by focusing pressure in these chambers.

Adjust Intensity for Maximum Comfort
Our Recovery Boots allow you to adjust the intensity to suit your needs. The intensity can reach up to 250 mmHg, enabling powerful muscle massage. If you need to reduce fluid retention in swollen legs, you can select a lower intensity for a gentler treatment.

Nach nur einer Woche mit meinen Recovery Boots von Optima Sport habe ich bereits einen deutlichen Effekt festgestellt. Ich habe sie täglich benutzt, vor allem vor und nach Läufen, und meine Beine fühlen sich nach dem Laufen deutlich weniger müde an. Hatte vor dem Kauf eine tolle Interaktion mit Optima Sport. Nur Empfehlungen von hier :-)
Zone Hold Technology
Our Zone Hold technology gives you precise control over how long pressure is maintained in each chamber before air is released and treatment continues to the next area. This is particularly beneficial for massage, where prolonged pressure can help release tension and promote relaxation in especially sore muscles.

Customizable Treatment Duration
Set your desired treatment time according to your needs. We generally recommend at least 30 minutes of use for effective recovery. If you have an hour available, you'll experience even better results with a deeper treatment.
Convenient Travel Backpack
We've enhanced the included carrying case for your Optima Sport Recovery Pants Ultima K8 Battery Generation 2. The new bag is designed to be spacious and functional, allowing you to easily transport your recovery pants wherever you go.
Measuring 43 cm in height, 32 cm in width, and 20 cm in depth, the backpack is ideal for on-the-go use. It's also approved as carry-on luggage for air travel.

Quick and Easy Setup
Optima Sport Recovery Boots Pro K6 is designed for quick and simple setup, allowing you to start your recovery promptly. The user-friendly design eliminates complicated steps, and you can begin treatment within minutes, making it easy to integrate into your daily routine.
Machine dimensions: 28 cm x 116 cm x 9.4 cm
Weight: 1,134 g
Pressure settings: 30-250 mmHg (adjustable in 20 mmHg increments)
Time settings: 5-60 minutes
Battery: 2600 mAh
Power consumption: 45W
Boot sizes: The boots are available in inseam lengths of 85 and 100 cm. The top circumference for these lengths is 70 and 75 cm respectively.
Additional wedges can add 10 cm to each leg.